28 OCT 2015 by ideonexus
Transhumanism in Lovecraft
After what he had told, I could scarcely imagine what profounder secrets he was saving for the morrow; but at last it developed that his trip to Yuggoth and beyond—and my own possible participation in it—was to be the next day’s topic. He must have been amused by the start of horror I gave at hearing a cosmic voyage on my part proposed, for his head wabbled violently when I shewed my fear. Subsequently he spoke very gently of how human beings might accomplish—and several times had acc...Folksonomies: transhumanism
Folksonomies: transhumanism
The Old Ones travel through space via surgical enhancements.
31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Speciation of the Human Race
On a time-scale of a thousand years, neither politics nor
technology is predictable. China and Japan are the only
major political units that have lasted that long. A thousand
years ago, Europe was an unimportant peninsula
lying on the edge of the more advanced and civilized
Arab world. The technologies of today would be unintelligible
to our ancestors of a millennium ago. The
only human institutions that retain their identities over
a thousand years are languages, cultures, and religions.
Per...Folksonomies: futurism speciation
Folksonomies: futurism speciation
10 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
How Science Can Progress the Humanities
Diagnoses of the malaise of the humanities rightly point to anti-intellectual trends in our culture and to the commercialization of our universities. But an honest appraisal would have to acknowledge that some of the damage is self-inflicted. The humanities have yet to recover from the disaster of postmodernism, with its defiant obscurantism, dogmatic relativism, and suffocating political correctness. And they have failed to define a progressive agenda. Several university presidents and provo...Science has many tools for looking deeper into texts and providing new perspectives and insights.
12 DEC 2011 by ideonexus
The Brain Creates Models of the World
We make models in science, but we also make them in everyday life. Model-dependent realism applies not only to scientific models but also to the conscious and subconscious mental models we all create in order to interpret and understand the everyday world. There is no way to remove the observer—us—from our perception of the world, which is created through our sensory processing and through the way we think and reason. Our perception—and hence the observations upon which our theories are...Using the eye as an example, Hawking describes how our brains model the outside world and builds theories about it.
31 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Parenting is Receiving as Well as Giving
As a new parent, you may feel sometimes that all children do is take from you, but it is just a form of giving in disguise. Kids present you with an ear infection, but what they are really giving you is patience. They present you with a tantrum, but they are really giving you the honor of witnessing a developing personality. Before you know it, you’ve raised up another human being. You realize what a great privilege it is to be a steward of another life.
I said that parenting is all about ...We give and give and give to our children, but in return we get to experience the wonder of watching a life develop.